I am a girl that loves fruit. I also love smoothies! So, when you put them together you get a fruit smoothie. My favorite thing to do is think up combinations for different fruit smoothies. One of my favorites is a banana and peach smoothie! I like my smoothies thick and creamy so it helps if you use frozen fruit. If you don’t like them thick then add more liquid because that creates a thinner base. Something fun that I like to do is to come home from camp and my mom and I will make a smoothie. Before my brother’s baseball games he sometimes will have a smoothie with protein powder in it.
Here is a recipe for a thick and creamy banana-peach smoothie!
Super Silly Summer Smoothie
½ cup yogurt (1 container)
3/4 cup of orange juice
1 banana
½ cup frozen peaches
2 ice cubes
Put everything in the blender and blend it all together. Give it a good 30 seconds and then pour into two glasses. Plop a straw into each glass and drink up!
I love smoothies. I put almond milk, Greek yogurt, any kind of seasonal fruit and a few drops of stevia (for sweetness) in mine. Today I had mine with fresh cherries.