Monday, July 12, 2010

Thirst Quenching Summer Treat

Who doesn't love a nice, cold, and refreshing drink in the middle of a hot, summer day? I know I do. My mom made an amazing two glass' of watermelon juice for my brother and me. With a spritz of lime it makes the perfect after camp snack (especially with some fresh cut up watermelon on the side). It is really simple and you can also make popsicles out of it. Here is the recipe-

Watermelon Juice

1/2 of a watermelon cut into cubes

A handful of ice cubes

2 teaspoons of lime juice

Mix everything in the blender. If you prefer it smooth, then strain it and pour into glasses.

Watermelon Popsicles

1 recipe watermelon juice

Pour the watermelon juice into popsicle makers and then freeze for about 6 hours.

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