Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Breakfast Time!

Hi guys!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while... School has been a little bit stressful. :( So, breakfast has now become one of my three favorite meals {haha:)}. The only problem is that when I come down in the morning I don't feel like eating a big breakfast and I don't have that much time (because I get distracted playing my ITouch when I first wake up!!!) . This is one of my personal favorite breakfasts because it is a great start to the day and because I can eat it without being rushed. First, take a piece of bread and toast it. The bread should be more like a baguette or sourdough bread. Then put 1/4 of an avocado (sliced) on the slice of bread. Finally give it the finishing touch which is a sprinkle of salt and pepper! I love this breakfast and I hope you do too! More to come.......

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