Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cookie Swap

This year, I decided that I wanted to have a cookie swap. I have never done it before, but I am going to go at it and observe the results. I think that it is going to be really fun because, I am going to have some girlfriends over and they are each going to bring a batch of cookies. I will probably have each guest bring a different cookie because we don't want a lot of repeats. I guarantee you at least half of the guests will offer to bring chocolate chip cookies. Oh well! They are going to come over and we will have a tea sort of lunch. You know, the typical cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches. Not that typical here, but in England that is really popular. After this of course the main idea comes along which is swapping! I will provide containers for everybody and they can pick and choose whatever is to their liking. There will still be time left, so we will play a lot of games and just have girl fun. I really love this idea and I think that if you are bored, then you should plan a cookie swap. These are my guidelines, but feel free to mess around with them for your party!

1) All cookies are homemade.
2) No cookie mixes, no-bakes, or bars. (Brownies are acceptable)
3) Please bring approximately 2 dozen cookies.
4) Email a copy of your recipe to me.
5) RSVP to me as soon as you can along with what type of cookie you are bringing. (We don't want to have a lot of repeats, or any!)

I want to make a recipe book for everybody so that is why I asked everyone to email me their recipe! Hope this turns out good. Wish me luck! I will post again to keep you updated.

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