When you see the name Nut Balls, it may not sound that appetizing to you, but trust me they are! Nut Balls actually have many different names. Some people call them Mexican Wedding Cookies. Others, call them Russian Teacakes. You can call them whatever you want, but basically, they are soft and powdery cookies with pecans that melt in your mouth. They are a really simple dessert to make and I am sure you will love them! Here's the recipe...
Nut Balls
1/2 pound butter
10 tablespoons confectioner's sugar
2 cups flour
2 cups chopped pecans
4 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons water
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Cream the butter and sugar well - remember the butter must be soft ( take out of the fridge several hours before making). Mix in the flour and then mix in the rest of the ingredients. Roll the dough into balls that are slightly smaller than golf balls. Put them on a cookie sheet (that is either greased with butter or lined with parchment paper). Bake for 20-25 minutes. When they come out of the oven - and you must be careful about this because the cookies are very hot - roll them in a bowl of additional confectioner's sugar. I usually pick them up off the tray with a large spoon and then throw them gently in the bowl of confectioner's sugar. I toss them around with the spoon and all of the sugar sticks to the cookie. Yum!!!
If you make these for friends that come over, I can almost guarantee that they will go "nuts" over them!!!
I'm going to make these. They look SO good!